Asian Identity provided Service Mind workshop for Rohm Semiconductor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The main purpose of this workshop is to define service mind in Omotenashi way.
What Rohm needs is for the staffs to understand importance of having service mind in supporting customers, also the real definition of Omotenashi in Rohm way. We proposed workshop with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® as a tool to help Rohm’s staffs to design how to apply Omotenashi in internally and externally in their opinions.
To provide the most efficient workshop, Asian Identity divided Service Mind workshop to 1.5 days. On workshop day, participants got to express their thoughts about Omotenashi and share their ideas among team by discussing with team so that they could have mutual agreement of Omotenashi in Rohm’s way. At the last day, participants were asked to present their understanding about Omotenashi to Rohm and show their opinion on how to implement Omotenashi to Rohm’s internal and external environment.
From survey summary, all participants were impressed with our service. All participants felt they have learned something that was useful for their work. They were absolutely impressed with our LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® tools that made them feel that workshop was not just only a workshop.
Mr. Pongsakorn Chanchaisrisakul, a consultant from Asian Identity, was the main facilitator of this workshop.
Rohm Semiconductor is now the producer of world’s first Qi-Certified medium power transmitter reference design. To know more about them, please visit