On October 26th, 2018, our CEO& Founder, Mr. Katsuhiro Nakamura, was invited to hold a seminar in Chonburi – Rayong Japanese Association’s mid term conference.
Chonburi – Rayong Japanese Association is an association for more than 200 Japanese companies in Conburi and Rayong area of Thailand. At the conference, more than 160 representatives from Japanese companies came to hear mid term report of association, networking, and to learn together.
In the 90 minutes seminar, Mr. Nakamura spoke about strategic HR in Thailand. As Thailand’s economy is continuously growing and IT progression is substituting some tasks, such as payroll calculation, many successful companies are shifting the function of HR from operations to strategic partner and change agent. To advocate this strategic HR, Mr. Nakamura explained elements of strategic HR and how the companies can be so.
As a take away, participants had an opportunity to reflect the condition of own organizations and some psychological facts that can be used to develop HR.
Thank you very much to Chonburi – Rayong Japanese Association for the opportunity and we hope that participants make positive changes in their HR.