As the world is rapidly changing not only from technological evolution but also from the sudden visit of Covid-19, companies are required to come up with services that break-out from the old routine and adapt themselves to the new normal. It is especially in this kind of period that disruptive thinking skills becomes even more crucial to business survival.
On 20th May 2020, Asian Identity conducted an online public workshop via Zoom on the topic of ‘disruptive thinking technique’ for business leaders in Thailand. The workshop was led by Mr. Isao Hosoya, a renowned business consultant, an author, and a partner of Asian Identity who helped us in developing JI-ATAMA Logical Thinking course.
During the workshop, participants learned about the difference between continuous & disruptive thinking and practiced disruptive thinking techniques through short exercises.
Participants practiced identifying new markets through a thinking framework ‘Paradigm Shift’ and learned how to adapt ideas from other fields to their own business through ‘Analogy Thinking’. Intriguingly enough, this time participants had to come up with as many services as possible that they think can apply the usage of a ‘subscription business model’.
The discussion went on in an engaging manner where participants working in different industry exchanged ideas and challenges faced among themselves.
Mr. Hosoya pointed out to us in this session that no industry is an exception to the chain effect of Covid-19, that every business is bound to be affected one way or another. Therefore, if you learn to look in the right way instead of focusing only on the old diminishing market, limitless opportunity will be waiting for you there.
We thank you everyone, our partner Mr. Hosoya and participants who joined us this time, for such an insightful and enjoying session.