It is very important for an organization to have its company, team and individual policies aligned and everyone working in the same direction. Especially this year, with the uncertainty of the situation due to COVID-19, it has become even more important than usual for the organization to work together as one and move in one direction.
However, aligning the direction of the organization is not an easy task. Especially in an environment where remote work is required due to COVID-19, it becomes even more difficult.
Rohm Semiconductor (Thailand), a Japanese semiconductor and electrical parts manufacturing company, took a very unique approach to share their organizational direction.
It was a remote Kick-off Retreat (off-site meeting).
Asian Identity team worked with Rohm Semiconductor (Thailand) HR team on this project and supported them in three parts of the project.
Preparation Phase
We recorded a video message from the MD about the company policy where it was then edited and subtitled in Thai.
By sharing this video message with the employees prior to the kick-off retreat, it gave them the time to understand the company policies before the actual retreat. The video also allows employees to go back to the policies of the year at any time they wish to.
In addition, each section leader was asked to prepare a group policy based on the MD policy.
Kick-off Retreat
All 90 employees, including Japanese and Thai employees, participated in the Zoom online meeting. At the meeting, the company policy was shared again in real time and in an interactive manner.
Afterwards, we used the breakout room function of Zoom to divide participants into groups for them to share the group policies with each of their respective team.
Asian Identity team supported the online kick-off retreat by providing both Japanese and Thai language co-facilitation.
Follow-up Phase
There is no point in sharing the policy if it gets forgotten or goes unnoticed on the daily basis. Therefore, after the kick-off retreat, we use an online learning management platform regularly to follow up on actions and listen to issues of all staff to make sure they can achieve their policy.
Furthermore, upon understanding the level of action and challenges faced by each member of their team, each department head sets up a 1-on-1 meeting to provide the necessary support as the situation constantly changes.
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