In 2018 July and August, Asian Identity took a part in Nikkei Business School Asia 2018.
Nikkei Business School (NBS) is seminars operated by The Nikkei and Mediator Co., Ltd. to support business persons in Asia. With its’ theme of developing “expatriates’ competency” for Japanese expatriates in Thailand and developing “skills as potential leaders” for Thai staffs, Asian Identity conducted some courses.
As one of the courses for Japanese expatriates, our CEO & Founder, Mr. Katsuhiro Nakamura, conducted a 1 day workshop about “Skills and mind set needed for diverse management”. For Japanese expatriates, working with Thai subordinates is very different from working with Japanese subordinates, not only because of culture and language, but also because of different ways and perspectives about working. To this condition, Mr. Katsuhiro Nakamura led participants for better leadership on developing people and organization based on understanding about their diverse team.
In addition to the courses for Japanese expatriates, Nikkei Business School also has some courses for Thai people. To develop Thai leaders in Japanese companies, our General Manager, Mr. Ekajit Chamsai, conducted 1 day workshop for management mind set. Also, our senior consultant,Ms. Thiranart Napapruekchartm, took responsibility for 1 day workshop, “How to solve cultural conflicts in workplace”.
All of our courses went successfully, and we are hoping that the participants bring back learning to their workplace to develop their organizations.